Introducing Boxcar's Intern: Olivia

BoxcarPR’s staff relies on its great interns to help out during the work week. Olivia Karem is a junior at the University of Louisville majoring in Economics. Olivia has been a great addition to our team and when she’s not reveling us in her stories about college life, she’s lending a hand with media relations and research work. We asked Olivia to take a turn on the blog for perspective on life as a Boxcar intern…

Hi, I’m Olivia, Boxcar’s student intern. Boxcar? Isn’t that a train? Well as the intern, I found that Boxcar operates way outside the Box. I am loving my internship, because it gives me real world experience without another stressful economics class. I am on my way to getting a BA in economics with a minor in political science at the University of Louisville. I am preparing to graduate in the spring of 2014 and looking forward to starting my professional life. Working at Boxcar as allowed me to broadening my understanding of the PR business and best of all, the experience made me realize that maybe graduating won’t be the scariest thing in the world.

I could not have asked for a better group of people to help me learn the ropes. They have helped me realize that there are so many options for me in my future. The environment is also something that is helpful. Business here is something that is taken seriously but in a way that creates great client-relations and really allows everyone to express their creative sides doing what they love. Even job titles are expressed creatively.

All in all my internship has been great because modern and efficient business is done here that all businesses can really benefit from choosing these services. That’s Boxcar.

Olivia (far right) with her family.